Our office will be closed on 7/4 and 7/5

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

We provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about how your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our homepage and at every point where personally identifiable information may be requested.


About Personal Information

Personal information refers to the information that can identify the customers, such as customer’s names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, credit card account information, and shipping information.


Collection of Personal Information

We collect the personal information that you provide us, such as when you:

• Place an order or purchase products by online, telephone, mail or facsimile, or change your information regarding the order;

• Register to use the Maruhide Online shop or sign up for events or notifications of specials or other promotions on our website;

• Participate in our survey


Use of Personal Information

Your personal information, in whole or in part, is used when:

• We notify you of special value-added opportunities:

   a. about our products

   b. about our special services

• We correspond to your inquiries

We may automatically collect some information when you visit our website, such as your computer’s network address and operating system, the site from which you linked to us, your site activity, and the time and date of your visit and purchases. This information may be collected through the use of “cookies” (see About Cookies below).


Security of Your Personal Information

All necessary and appropriate security measures will be taken to prevent the acquired personal information from being leaked, lost or damaged, and to secure the safety of the personal information. Our website uses Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) to encrypt your critical personal information, including your credit card number, before it transmits over the Internet. It allows you to securely view your online account and registration information.


Link to Third Party Site

ur website may contain links to websites operated and maintained by third parties, which we have no control over. You can choose to link to other websites of third parties who have agreed to offer goods and service to our customers. In addition, those sites may include our logo. Any personal information you are provided on the linked pages is provided directly to that third party and is subject to that third party’s private policy, security practices and policies. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policy of a linked site before disclosing any personal information on such sites.



We use cookies to help optimize your shopping experience. A cookie is a file stored on our computer by our website to give you a unique ID. While cookies are optional for browsing www.maruhideusa.,com, they are required for registering, logging on, shopping or adding items to your cart. If you wish to purchase items or set up an account on Maruhide Online shop, you will need to accept our cookie.


Updating, Reviewing and Correcting Online Personal Information

You may update, review or correct your online account information at any time online by accessing your password-protected registration page via the “My Account” area of the website. You may also contact us at our customer services.


Children’s Use of the Internet

Maruhide takes special care to protect the safety and privacy of children. For this reason, we never collect or maintain information on our website from those we actually known who are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13.


Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy statement or would like to contact us for any reason, you can do the following:

•  Email us at: help@maruhideusa.com

•  Write us at 2145 W. 17th St., Long Beach, CA 90813


Policy Change

We reserve the right to change this privacy statement at any time without notice. To ensure you understand how the information you provided will be used, we encourage you to review our privacy statement at www.maruhideusa.com/pages/privacy-policy